Safekrit Solutions

What is “SafeKrit”?

“SafeKrit” refers to a set of advanced data and design-centric technologies to detect process anomalies in water treatment and distribution systems. Our solutions bring together Comprehensive security, Safety and Optimization Solutions capabilities to address distributed critical infrastructure.

SafeKrit Solution

SafeKrit has been piloted, tested, and proven for Water Treatment Plants. It is proven to defend against any internal and external cyber-attacks.

Cyber Security, Safety, Digital Modernization and Optimization for Critical Infrastructure
Security, Safety and Optimization Solutions to address end to end critical infrastructure needs
Core competencies around People, Process, Platform and


SK-AEGIS (Automatic Extensible Generic Invariant-based Security) is an attack detection mechanism for the protection of cyber-physical systems (CPS). It is comprised of an algorithm that is designed to be generic and universal for various types of CPS such as water treatment plants, power distribution grids, etc.


SafeKrit-AI for anomaly detection in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) is a unified framework for real-time process monitoring with a goal to preserve the control behavior integrity of the ICS. There is a twofold process involved in the design of the unsupervised detector.

One is modeling the normal behavior of continuous-valued state variables (sensors) through the temporal dependencies to forecast their behavior with minimal error.

Second is modeling the higher-order and non-linear correlation among the discrete and continuous type state variables (cross-correlation among the sensors and actuators) during the normal plant operation.

Plant Protect

Our Plant Protect solution is designed to operate in concert with detectors. Detectors will offer actionable intelligence to the plant operator and Protect the Plant. Once Our solution is Configured it will take actions to prevent plant damage by identifying, isolating and removing the anomaly. This module is undergoing rigorous testing and will be in production in 2H 2023.

Digital Twin

Safekrit has access to a digital-twin system that can be reconfigured to mimic the behavior of a physical water treatment plant. The digital twin can be used to simulate and launch cyber-attacks to pinpoint potential vulnerabilities as well as help in training and manpower development.

It will leverage advanced machine learning algorithms for predictive analysis, to provide effective and instant safeguards against operational anomalies and cyber/physical-attacks in critical water treatment infrastructures.

Our Professional Services

Our Assessment Services

Cyber Security Strategy & Roadmap Assessments

Cyber Security Transformation Assessments

Cyber Security Maturity Assessments

Cyber Security Risk Quantification & Compliance Assessments

Vulnerability Remediation Assessments & Support

Enterprise Application Security & Assessment

Cloud Security & Assessment

Network Strategy and Optimization

GDPR Risk Assessment

Threat Readiness and Preparation

Cyber Workshop

Cyber Security Awareness Program

Threat Readiness Advisory and Remediation

Technical Cyber Training


Cyber Security Simulation Exercise

Workforce Development

SafeKrit workforce development will offer training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of cybersecurity professionals to protect computer systems, networks, and data from cyber threats.

To develop a skilled cybersecurity workforce, SafeKrit will work with employers to offer training programs to their employees. This will help cybersecurity professionals stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and threats and develop the skills needed to perform their jobs effectively.

Why SafeKrit?

Safekrit is a leading edge OT cyber security technology.

Our Solution Is Hybrid / Unique

Data and Design Centric
Ultra-high rate of anomaly detection
Uses actionable intelligence tuned to your plant
Based on Plant Physics

Safekrit Differentiator


  • Technology
  • OT anomaly detection
  • IT anomaly detection
  • Alerts directed at
  • Actionable alerts
  • Intrusive
  • False alarm rate
  • Tested in live plants
  • Patents


  • Design and Data centric
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Plant engineers and IT specialists
  • Immediate and for forensics
  • Yes and No
  • Near zero
  • Yes
  • Yes*

Commercially Available

  • Data centric
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • IT specialists
  • For forensics
  • Yes
  • High
  • Yes
  • Unknown